A Great Sermon in the Sun

“I form the light, and create darkness.” Isaiah 45:7

Happy Sunday, Folks.

Only one day until the April 8, 2024 Annular (ring-shaped) Total Eclipse!

My son’s family of 4 has traveled from central Maryland to a cozy HOA campground in the rustbelt.

From Basecamp Corona, solidly in the path of totality, they hope clear skies will permit legitimate use of their protective solar eclipse viewing eye wear. Two of the crew also hope to enhance their Vulcan Mind-Meld skills.

Meanwhile, back here in the Upper Chesapeake region, where the Blue Crabs roam, we’re eagerly awaiting a blow by blow report of Monday’s four and a half minutes of cloudless (fingers crossed) visible totality.

So, over the weekend, Lovely Heroic Ooli spotted a Sermon Audio recitation of Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s sermon, “The Solar Eclipse.” The sermon was delivered 166 years ago on March 14, 1858, the day before an annular total eclipse was to be visible across the London region. I share the link below. (I’ve added a link to a written version.)

Spurgeon begins:

“We are all expecting to-morrow to witness one of the greatest sights in the universe—the annular eclipse of the sun. It is possible that many of us shall have gone the way of all flesh before such a sight shall again be seen in this country and we are therefore looking for it with some degree of expectation. It is probable that hundreds and thousands of the human race will be attracted by it, to study for a few hours at least, the science of astronomy. Certain it is that our astronomers are making the most capital they possibly can of it by endeavouring to thrust it in every way under our notice, in order to induce us to make the sun, the moon, and the stars a little more the object of’ our attention than they have been hitherto. Surely I need offer no apology whatever if religion comes forward to-day, and asks that attention should be drawn to her, even by the eclipse itself. Without a doubt, if there be sermons in stones, there must be a great sermon in the sun. . . . “


The Spurgeon Library | The Solar Eclipse

The audio version runs about 44 minutes. I encourage you to listen to or read it – perhaps as part of your Sunday rest and reading.

The heavens declare the glory of God,and the sky above proclaims his handiwork…. Psalm 19:1-6


Published by cfheidel

Chuck Heidel here. Father of eight, married to lovely heroic Alice over 40 years. I'm a former midlife recreational cyclist, who was hit by a motorist while out riding in August 2009. Further validating Sir Isaac Newton's notions, the score that day was: Cars: 1. Bikes: 0, and I became a C7 tetraplegic, paralyzed from the mid-chest down. Author of WheeledWords: wheeledwords@wordpress.com.

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