A Great Sermon in the Sun

“I form the light, and create darkness.” Isaiah 45:7 Happy Sunday, Folks. Only one day until the April 8, 2024 Annular (ring-shaped) Total Eclipse! My son’s family of 4 has traveled from central Maryland to a cozy HOA campground in the rustbelt. From Basecamp Corona, solidly in the path of totality, they hope clear skiesContinue reading “A Great Sermon in the Sun”

2022: Thirteenth “Wreckiversary”

August 20. This morning I read a note from my daughter, recalling correctly that today was an anniversary of my bicycle’s demise. My being astride that two-wheeled rolling steed, when the physics of negative acceleration suddenly took over, only served to further complicate things. Her note remembered and marveled at God’s faithfulness throughout these thirteenContinue reading “2022: Thirteenth “Wreckiversary””

2020 Heidel Holiday Greetings

This year’s Heidel Holiday card is placidly inattentive to 2020’s global virulence and U.S. political throes, themes of which we were daily and painfully aware. If you squint and count carefully, you will see a new grandbaby and a new in-law. Daughter One added a son, and so we welcomed grandbabyboy #5. Daughter Four wasContinue reading “2020 Heidel Holiday Greetings”

Our Physiology Is A Cosmos

Our Physiology Is A Cosmos For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because IContinue reading “Our Physiology Is A Cosmos”

Portions, Lots, Lines and Pleasant Places

Psalm 16:5-8 — The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;  indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me; becauseContinue reading “Portions, Lots, Lines and Pleasant Places”

Blackberries, Or Bushes Afire?

We await a smaller mob than most years – we’ll have 15 around the table. I cite a link to our Thanksgiving experience in 2009 I hope you’ll enjoy: https://wheeledwords.wordpress.com/category/gettin-by-lifestyle-changes-greater-independence/himalayan-expeditions-wheelchair-travel/ But also happy to step out of the way of my good friend, Frank Smith III, a far more gifted writer than I am, whoContinue reading “Blackberries, Or Bushes Afire?”

Beloved of God. Ruby Shod.

There was a post come from the Celestial City, with matter of great importance . . . . A one time copy center manager, he’d been asked by a neighbor to print invitations to a special, multi-decades-marking natal celebration. “Why not?” he thought. “Just 25 color prints. A small favor, really.” Plus, it would giveContinue reading “Beloved of God. Ruby Shod.”

Good Advice from the Dutch . . .

Hah-hah! Anyone have a line on wheelchair wash and wear? Colostomy-chic? Perhaps A-line appliance-wearer active wear?

Five Years On

A year ago, on my 4th “Accidentiversary,” and just three days after my daughter’s wedding, I wrote a quick ditty because ditty’s should be quickly written on significant annual occasions. On that day (the written-ditty day), I regretted not having done anything that involved precision event planning, caterered sterno-heated foods, lots of people, happy jocularContinue reading “Five Years On”