Bicyclists’ “Blackbox”

Wow! Great article with an amazing outcome (apart from the cowardly driver who left the scene). I was struck 08-20-2009 by a motorist. A Blackbox camera would’ve been a great forensic resource. As it turned out, the guy who hit me stuck around but had embarrassingly meager automobile insurance, so it was my ownContinue reading “Bicyclists’ “Blackbox””

Passing This Along: Why Are Drivers So Angry At Cyclists?

Cyclists, ride in heavy motorized traffic areas? Motorists, drive routes frequented by cyclists? Others, know anyone in these groups? Read on. Though the deed’s been done, so to speak, I still read articles like the one linked below with interest. Partly cathartic. Partly wanting the cyclists among us to realize they are piloting vehicles overContinue reading “Passing This Along: Why Are Drivers So Angry At Cyclists?”