A Great Sermon in the Sun

“I form the light, and create darkness.” Isaiah 45:7 Happy Sunday, Folks. Only one day until the April 8, 2024 Annular (ring-shaped) Total Eclipse! My son’s family of 4 has traveled from central Maryland to a cozy HOA campground in the rustbelt. From Basecamp Corona, solidly in the path of totality, they hope clear skiesContinue reading “A Great Sermon in the Sun”

A Thanksgiving Re-Tale, Retold

Thanksgiving 2009 has become the fixed north star on my timeline by which I recall, and in recalling, attempt to measure, weigh, and value God’s immeasurable, infinite and priceless faithfulness to me . . . .

A Thanksgiving Re-Tale, Retold

As the day unfolds in your own Thanksgiving time-space continuum, and as you determinedly brace yourself for too much turkey, you may already be anticipating the butterball leftovers that will stuff your lunchtime “sammiches” tomorrow. It is in the spirit of savory seasonal leftovers that I recycle an already several times told Thanksgiving re-tale. AContinue reading “A Thanksgiving Re-Tale, Retold”


Props to the Ohio State Buckeye footballers. Many go unnoticed who carry a heavy burden, with meager prospects, finding little joy along the way. These do not often or easily mix with others who are easily idolized and live in glamorous high castles. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152611170409022&video_source=pages_finch_thumbnail_video Jacob Jarvis’ (and his younger brother’s) story is a hard one,Continue reading “Perspective”

Nice Costs Nuthin’

I was the recipient of two very kind gestures in late summer of 2009, as I began my in-patient rehab experience at Atlanta’s Shepherd Center as a C7 quadriplegic. Frank Smith III, a close friend from my college days, popped over from Charlottesville bearing gifts he’d received from then Cavaliers football coach, Al Groh. AsContinue reading “Nice Costs Nuthin’”

Bicyclists’ “Blackbox”

Wow! Great article with an amazing outcome (apart from the cowardly driver who left the scene). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/23/biking-cameras-_n_6029950.html I was struck 08-20-2009 by a motorist. A Blackbox camera would’ve been a great forensic resource. As it turned out, the guy who hit me stuck around but had embarrassingly meager automobile insurance, so it was my ownContinue reading “Bicyclists’ “Blackbox””

Passing This Along . . . Peleton Magazine on Twitter: Sick Skills, Indeed

Watch and marvel. You can understand how I might be a tad envious. PRO skils.#ParisTours via @reddit pic.twitter.com/qcFSgMICR4 — peloton® (@pelotonmagazine) October 16, 2014 To my velo-buddies: Ride rejoicingly (new word?), eyes wide open, head on a swivel (thanks, Coach Shepherd). And wear your helmets!